Dog Nutrition – Trends in 2024

Dog nutrition is an essential aspect of ensuring the health and happiness of our pets. In an era where concern for animal welfare and understanding of the nutritional needs of four-legged friends are becoming more …

Dog Nutrition - Trends in 2024

Dog nutrition is an essential aspect of ensuring the health and happiness of our pets. In an era where concern for animal welfare and understanding of the nutritional needs of four-legged friends are becoming more and more pronounced, the year 2024 brings with it new trends and innovations in the field of dog food.

Dog owners are increasingly interested in providing their non-talking friends with a balanced diet based on quality ingredients and tailored to the individual needs of each animal. In this context, we will explore in detail the food trends for dogs in 2024 and how they contribute to promoting the health and well-being of our four-legged friends.


  1. Natural and Raw Diet (BARF)
  2. Food personalized and adapted to individual needs
  3. Alternative protein and healthy carbohydrate sources
  4. Nutritional supplements and the addition of functional ingredients

Natural and Raw Diet (BARF)

In the year 2024, the natural and raw diet (BARF) for dogs takes on special importance, representing one of the most notable trends in pet nutrition. In contrast to processed and ready-packaged foods, this approach emphasizes food that mimics as closely as possible the diet that dogs would consume in the wild.

Adopting the BARF diet involves including a variety of raw foods such as fresh meat, bones, offal, fruits and vegetables in your dog’s diet. Such a diet not only provides the essential nutrients necessary for the health of dogs, but also emphasizes the need to provide food in as natural and unprocessed a form as possible. In 2024, we see a significant increase in owner interest in this approach as they want to provide their pets with food that respects the carnivorous nature of dogs.

One of the major advantages of the BARF diet is that it provides dogs with nutrients in their natural and bioavailable form, thus helping to improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients. This diet can also have a positive impact on oral health by stimulating the chewing of bones and other raw foods, which can prevent tartar build-up and improve tooth health.

However, it is important to note that adopting the BARF diet requires special attention from owners, as they must ensure that the diet provided is balanced and contains all the essential nutrients.

Natural and Raw Diet (BARF)

Food personalized and adapted to individual needs

In the year 2024, we are witnessing a significant evolution in dog nutrition by increasing the popularity of personalized foods adapted to the individual needs of each four-legged friend. This trend reflects an innovative and proactive approach to providing optimal nutrition for dogs, taking into account the diversity of their individual needs and characteristics.

Dog food companies use data such as each animal’s age, weight, activity level and potential health issues to develop customized formulas. This essential information is often collected through online platforms, specialized applications or direct consultations with veterinarians. This detailed process allows owners to provide their dogs with a diet tailored to each individual’s specific needs, helping to maintain long-term health and well-being.

One of the major advantages of customized food is that it takes a holistic approach to your dog’s nutritional needs, providing a balanced combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins based on his unique requirements. For example, an elderly dog or one with food sensitivities may benefit from a formula that contains easily digestible ingredients and is adapted to his reduced activity level.

In addition, this personalized approach can be particularly helpful in managing specific health problems. Dogs with conditions such as food allergies, digestive problems or chronic medical conditions can benefit from special formulas that meet their individual needs and support the treatment recommended by their veterinarian.

Food personalized and adapted to individual needs

Alternative protein and healthy carbohydrate sources

In the year 2024, the increased concern of dog owners about the sources of protein and carbohydrates included in their pet’s food reflects a significant change in perspective on canine nutrition. The trend to explore alternative proteins has become increasingly evident, and sources such as insects, fish and game are rapidly gaining popularity. This development not only addresses sustainability concerns, but also provides a healthy alternative to traditional meat.

Alternative proteins like insects offer essential nutrients for dogs’ healthy growth and development. Moreover, these protein sources have a lower environmental impact than conventional meat production, presenting a sustainable option in a time of growing ecological concern.

In parallel, there is also a noticeable shift in the carbohydrate sphere, where dog owners are turning their attention to healthier sources. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, and high-fiber vegetables are becoming favorites over options that contain unhealthy additives and fillers. This approach reflects the growing awareness of the benefits of complex carbohydrates and the need to avoid processed ingredients that can contribute to dog health problems such as obesity and food intolerances.

Alternative protein and healthy carbohydrate sources

Nutritional supplements and the addition of functional ingredients

Dog owners are increasingly aware of the benefits of adding nutritional supplements and functional ingredients to support their pets’ overall health. Thus, there is an increase in the use of oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids to support skin and coat health, as well as other supplements such as probiotics to support digestive health.

In conclusion, the year 2024 brings with it significant changes in dog nutrition, with an emphasis on quality ingredients, customized diets and concern for the overall health of pets. Owners choose healthier dog food, and the industry responds with innovative options for a happy, long life for our four-legged friends.

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