Rottweiler diet – the right one according to the age

The Rottweiler diet must be complete and balanced to fully develop its physical, cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities. Rottweiler is an unexpectedly gentle dog with a charming personality, very intelligent and devoted, despite his impressive …

Rottweiler diet - the right one according to the age

The Rottweiler diet must be complete and balanced to fully develop its physical, cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities.

Rottweiler is an unexpectedly gentle dog with a charming personality, very intelligent and devoted, despite his impressive stature and strong muscles that give him an imposing and even ferocious air. If you have chosen this breed as your pet, you have made a very good decision – it will be the best friend you have ever had. It is a strong and resistant breed, and you will have to pay special attention to one aspect – what a Rottweiler eats.

The appetite of this gentle gentleman is commensurate with his size, so he will always give you the feeling that he is hungry, and you will have the urge to satisfy his appetite. But you have to keep things under control because obesity is one of the great enemies of the dog.

Also, having such developed muscle mass, Rottweilers have different nutritional needs than other medium to large dogs, as it is. A Rottweiler will be well cared for and fed with premium, high-protein food. Thus, his muscles will be maintained and his health will be good.

However, you should know that the nutritional needs of this wonderful dog differ greatly depending on age. In the following, we will tell you how to feed your Rottweiler friend from the first days of life until he reaches the age of seniority.


  1. What a Rottweiler puppy eats
  2. Feeding an adult Rottweiler dog
  3. The right diet for a senior Rottweiler

What a Rottweiler puppy eats

We tell you from the beginning that this breed is more prone to different types of cancer than many other dog breeds for reasons that have remained a mystery to specialists. For this reason, especially in the case of chicks, it is necessary to receive food rich in antioxidants. The big producers, who know the nutritional needs, but also the sensibilities of each breed, have created special food for the puppies as well.

The food also supports the proper development of the joints and strengthens the chicken’s natural defense system due to a patented complex of antioxidants with synergistic value.

Until the age of 18 months, a Rotty can receive food 3-4 times a day, but it is very important to respect the daily amount recommended by the manufacturer.

By the age of 2 months, the chick will be fed with its mother’s milk. If for various reasons this is not possible, feed it with a special substitute and avoid cow’s milk, which is very difficult for a dog’s body to tolerate.

Feeding an adult Rottweiler dog

After 18 months, a Rotty becomes an adult and its nutritional needs change. This period usually lasts up to 7 years.

An adult male Rottweiler weighs between 50 and 60 kg, and a female weighs between 35 and 48 kg, but they need a little more calories than other dogs of the same size due to their massive stature and developed muscles. You can adjust the number of calories according to the level of effort exerted by a Rottweiler.

Thus, an adult living in an apartment will need about 2,000-2,200 calories a day, while one who sits in the yard, and is active all day can consume as much as 3,500 calories. An adult will have two meals a day, morning and evening.

Ideally, the food for a Rotty should be 30% protein – so his strong muscles will be maintained.

It is also very important for this dog to move. If he lives in the apartment, it is necessary to go out with him as often as possible. Also, you need to give him the opportunity to run.

The right diet for a senior Rottweiler

After the age of 7, Rotty becomes a senior and begins to have age-specific problems. Obesity is the most common problem faced by dogs of this breed. Also, in other conditions, it can include joint and heart disease.

As an elderly Rottweiler will be less active, even if he maintains his adult weight. It is necessary to reduce his daily calorie count to 1,800.

Also, you must provide special food for seniors to protect their teeth and joints that are starting to “get tired”.

The average life expectancy of Rotty is about 11 years. But, you can exceed it if they have a quality life. In this regard, you need to know what and how much a Rotty eats. In that way, you give it the opportunity to move as much as possible.

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