Raw dog food – BARF diet

The raw dog food diet is becoming more and more popular among quadrupled lovers. The BARF diet is a food for dogs that was adopted by those who wanted to feed their animal differently. But …

Raw dog food - BARF diet

The raw dog food diet is becoming more and more popular among quadrupled lovers. The BARF diet is a food for dogs that was adopted by those who wanted to feed their animal differently. But how beneficial is the diet for our animals?


  1. What is the BARF diet?
  2. Guide for raw dog food
  3. What is raw dog food?
  4. Why is raw dog food good?
  5. How do we switch our pets to the new raw dog food diet?

What is the BARF diet?

The BARF diet for dogs refers to a raw, unprocessed, uncooked food diet that aims to mimic the diet a dog would have in the wild. The acronym BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. It originated in Australia and the United States and has emerged as a form of protest against dry dogs food.

This diet includes a variety of foods such as raw meat, raw bones, raw offal, raw fruits and vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods. The goal is to provide dogs with all the nutrients they need in a natural and easily digestible form.

Proponents of the BARF diet claim that it can improve overall dog health, including skin and coat health, dental and digestive health, and reduce the risk of chronic disease. However, there are also risks associated with raw food, such as exposure to bacteria and parasites, so it is important to consider all aspects and consult a veterinarian before starting this diet.

Guide for raw dog food

  • The daily ration of raw food is 2-3% of the dog’s weight, which adjusts up or down, depending on daily activity, weather, or age.
  • The most common meats in these raw diets are chicken and beef.
  • The daily ration is administered in two meals.
  • For puppies, the daily ratio starts from 10% of the real weight, until the little one reaches 3% of the adult body weight, after which the ration gradually decreases to 2-3% of the ideal weight.
  • Vegetables should be cut into small pieces or blended to make them easier to digest.
  • Dandelion, sage leaves, rhubarb leaves, mint leaves, raspberry leaves, nettle, dill, parsley, and chamomile can take on the role of spices and condiments.
  • Tomatoes, onions, and avocados should not be included in the diet, as they contain a toxin called “solatin”, which affects the digestive system of the dog.
  • You can give them 1-2 boiled or uncooked eggs a week with a broken shell because it gives them calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • It is recommended to use salmon oil, flaxseed oil, and primrose oil.
  • Guts (liver, heart, kidneys) can only be given once a week, as they can cause diarrhea.
  • Meat can be replaced with raw fish once a week.
  • The best supplement is green mussel powder.
  • Large bones will not be given to quadrupeds as food because they are too strong.
  • The proportion of raw foods is 40% bone with meat on them, with 30% fruits and vegetables and 30% raw meat.

What is raw dog food?

In short, a raw diet consists of foods that a dog would eat in its natural habitats, such as its wild relatives and wolves. Just as wolves hunt small animals, raw diets involve feeding on different types of raw meat.

The raw meat diet contains different types of meat (organs, thighs, neck, back) combined, sometimes with vegetables, fruits, and bones. These diets can be prepared at home, but are also commercially available from various manufacturers. The latter is found frozen or in a form close to dry food.

Why is raw dog food good?

The dog is still considered a carnivorous predator. It is demonstrated by the teeth, the length of the intestines, and the bacterial flora adapted to this type of feeding.

Most of the food that is present in stores contains artificial dyes, additives, preservatives, and various chemicals. The body of quadrupeds cannot process them and thus have a profound impact on their immune system.

Instead, by preparing the BARF diet at home, we know exactly what the quadruped eats, we can control the quality and freshness of the ingredients, and we can prevent various diseases or allergies.

Here are some of the benefits of the BARF diet:

  • In the case of older dogs who have developed orthopedic problems, they have joint pain that is easier to bear.
  • It is better accepted by dogs, even by pretentious ones.
  • The dog has a higher average life expectancy.
  • Low risk of obesity due to lack of cereals.
  • Better oral health: teeth and gums are cleaner with fresh breath.
  • A more shiny and beautiful fur and the dog will bark less.
  • Increased energy levels and a better mood.
  • The BARF diet is similar to that of wild animals (wolves) that feed exclusively on prey.
  • Sled dogs are fed raw meat, and their performance is obvious.
  • Often, sick or sensitive dogs with allergies are recommended a homemade diet by a veterinarian for a certain period.
  • The dog will have a greater taste variety.
  • Feces are less and not so bad-smelling: raw food is high in fat, making digestion more efficient.
  • Good digestion: The dog’s digestive tract is used to process and transport raw meat efficiently.

How do we switch our pets to the new raw dog food diet?

The transition to a BARF diet from dry food must be radical and consistent. The dog is kept for a day without being fed, after which it is immediately switched to raw food and without giving it dry food.

Its body must digest raw foods, it must regenerate, and the mixture with dry food can cause damage because each of them requires a different decomposition.

It is important that, for the first time, the dog does not receive too much raw meat. You can increases the ration a little each day, so he will get used to it quickly.

If the four-legged friend doesn’t like it, don’t go back to dry food, but try other kinds of raw meat. Don’t worry, after a while, hunger will lead to acceptance, and a little fasting won’t hurt.

Because there is a risk of creating a nutritional imbalance for your four-legged friend, it is a good idea to inform yourself before adopting this diet and consult a veterinarian or canine nutritionist.

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