Puppy feeding: what it’s all about

Puppy feeding is an important responsibility, as a child, and the first months of life are a stage that must be treated with the utmost seriousness. The excitement of a new soul in the family …

Puppy feeding: what it's all about

Puppy feeding is an important responsibility, as a child, and the first months of life are a stage that must be treated with the utmost seriousness. The excitement of a new soul in the family comes with the fears of caring for him. But the good news is that in the first months, mother’s milk is the ideal food because it is rich in essential nutrients, which help the chicks to grow big and strong.

Colostrum gives the baby stronger immunity and better development, which is why puppies are so important in the first two months.

Puppies can be weaned in six to eight weeks, but they may become interested in solid food for three to four weeks when they begin to taste their mother’s food. This is the time when we can consider introducing special food into the chick’s diet.

Before buying junior dog food, consult a veterinarian and ask for a recommendation, especially for puppies with special needs. You can find various offers for dog food online, but consulting a veterinarian is indicated for the health of puppies. Find out more about feeding puppies in the following.


  1. How much should a puppy eat?
  2. Types of food for puppies – foods allowed and foods forbidden
  3. How do you feed the junior
  4. Feeding puppies without a mother
  5. Switching to solid dog food

How much should a puppy eat?

If you want to know how much food a dog needs to eat, you need to know that the food needs differ depending on the age and size of the animal, but also other factors such as breed, medical condition, or personality of the animal.

In the post-weaning period, usually around the age of 2 months, between 4 and 6 meals, a day are needed to provide the necessary nutrients.

Then, gradually, the number of meals decreases as follows: from 2 to 4 months – 4 meals a day. From 4 to 6 months – 2-3 meals a day, and after 6 months – 2 meals a day.

Do not feed the dog more than necessary! If you give him more food than recommended by the doctor or on the packaging, there is a risk of causing him stomach problems or weight gain above the normal limit. Ideally, keep track of your dog’s weight to make sure it is within normal limits for his age, breed, and height.

Regarding food, chickens know how to speculate on moments and ask for more. That is why you must be careful to keep a balanced diet and not give in to temptations, not to offer leftovers from meals, and if you make exceptions, they should not exceed 10% of the weight of the total diet.

Also, in addition to the amount of food, you need to consider the type of food offered to the dog and what foods are prohibited. Find out what you need to know about allowed and prohibited foods below.

Types of food for puppies – foods allowed and foods forbidden

Although breast milk provides the best nutrition and antibodies to protect the puppy from disease, after a certain age it is no longer enough and it is necessary to supplement with solid food.

Dog food is divided into the following categories:

  • main food;
  • snacks;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • chewing products;
  • special food for allergic dogs.

The main food can be wet or dry food. There is food on the market suitable for chickens, juniors, or seniors, as well as for different weight classes. Snacks are snacks offered between meals, usually as rewards, especially useful in the education or training stage.

Nutritional supplements are offered to strengthen the immune system during the growing period, but also when the animal is hyperactive, sick, or pregnant. Chewing gum products are designed for the care of the teeth and for recreational purposes, to give the dog an occupation; most are made of cowhide.

If you find that you have an animal with allergies, give it proper nutrition; look for food for allergic dogs in specialist shops, on the recommendation of the veterinarian.

If you’ve been wondering what dogs are and are not allowed to eat, what vegetables are good for them, what fruits or what you can cook for dogs, here are some answers.

Prohibited foods for dogs are:

  • raw meat: to avoid food poisoning, heat treat the meat, preferably by boiling, and be careful not to leave small pieces of chicken or fish bones as they can damage the teeth and pierce the intestines;
  • sea fruits
  • chocolate (which is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting);
  • onions or grapes/raisins.

Dog food allowed:

  • bread;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • fruits;
  • cooked meat;
  • the vegetables;
  • cooked food.

Depending on your dog’s tolerance and preference for certain foods, you can cook a variety of dishes, such as:

  • rice with vegetables (carrots, celery, zucchini, bell peppers, broccoli);
  • beef with vegetables and bananas;
  • boneless fish with oats;
  • pasta with cheese;
  • chicken with carrots and cereals;
  • beef with rice and vegetables.

How do you feed the junior?

Puppy feeding should not be before or immediately after physical activity. Try to create a routine for him to rest immediately after the meal to avoid stomach problems. When you give him a bit of food, he looks for a quiet place, where he can eat without interruption, that does not distract him and ignores the factors that can disturb him.

If you have several dogs, you can feed them at the same time, but in different places, to avoid conflicts.

Serve the dog food at room temperature. You can moisten solid food with water before serving, depending on the dog’s preferences. Also, you need to remember to keep wet dog food in the fridge.

Feeding puppies without a mother

Sometimes it is not possible to keep a puppy with his mother for the first eight weeks, such as when the mother develops eclampsia, mastitis, or other medical complications. When considering the feeding of dogs 2 months or younger, it is necessary to choose a certain type of food carefully.

Whatever the reason, a puppy feeding breastmilk can no longer be, you can find milk replacers and bottles specially designed for them in pet stores. In these situations, puppies can be fed fresh or pasteurized milk, cow’s or goat’s milk, or milk substitutes from specialist shops. Their care requires increased attention, and consulting a veterinarian is the first step in making the right choice.

Switching to solid dog food

Changing your dog’s food is a process that must be done gradually so that his stomach is not affected. Dogs have a sensitive stomachs and need time to get used to a new type of food. The solution would be to start the change by mixing a little new food with the old food, gradually. Also, you can add more and more, during 7-10 days, until the puppy completely eats the new type of food.

It also takes time to switch from wet to dry food for junior dogs, during which time the puppy will consume more water. When switching from dry food to wet food, the dog may consume less water.

Depending on the recommendations of the veterinarian, you can start introducing snacks, and dog biscuits. Buy dog food only from specialized and authorized stores, on the recommendation of the veterinarian.

Puppy feeding is an important process, which you must adapt to its special nutritional needs. Every puppy is different. If you have any questions about its food, feeding schedule, or nutritional health, always consult your breeder or veterinarian.

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