Overweight dogs: how can we help them lose weight healthy?

The number of overweight dogs in people’s homes is growing day by day. But to make sure they stay healthy and live a long life, it’s important to get rid of excess pounds. Do you …

Overweight dogs: how can we help them lose weight healthy?

The number of overweight dogs in people’s homes is growing day by day. But to make sure they stay healthy and live a long life, it’s important to get rid of excess pounds. Do you have a fat dog too? Then get rid of the extra pounds with a few measures and strict feeding rules.

Some dog breeds are extremely different in their physique and size. In any case, you can find out if the puppy is too fat with simple steps.

Simply put your hands on your dog’s ribs. If you can’t feel them without putting a lot of pressure and you can’t see the waistline when you look at it from above, then it’s time to put it on.

Why is this so important? Overweight dogs suffer from certain diseases more often than those with a normal weight. Also, the life expectancy of a fat dog is two years lower.


  1. What should I consider when changing the diet of overweight dogs?
  2. Amount of food: how to properly feed a fat dog?
  3. Exercise will help a fat dog
  4. Weight-Loss Recommendations

What should I consider when changing the diet of overweight dogs?

To achieve a significant reduction in caloric content and therefore extra pounds, it is often necessary to give him only half of the calories he received before starting the diet.

However, the halved bits of food method is not recommended. Because the food is made to provide the dog with all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and trace elements depending on its weight. If an overweight dog receives only half of its part of food, food deficiencies will occur.

Another negative consequence of the halved pieces of food method is the lack of feeling of satiety because the dog’s stomach is never full. Some fat dogs will amplify their begging behavior or even start stealing food. Or they may even develop protest behavior, such as ignoring house rules.

Instead, you should put overweight dogs on a special weight loss regimen. Remember one thing: the extra pounds developed over a longer period will not go away in a few weeks. A diet lasts for months. Moreover, most of the measures taken during the regimen will be maintained even after the dog has already reached the ideal weight.

Amount of food: how to properly feed a fat dog?

The main reason dogs gain so much weight is because of too much food. This is often accompanied by numerous rewards and snacks. Therefore, it is essential to follow the recommended amounts of food to reduce weight.

If everything you use to measure dry food is a measuring cup, the amount is usually too large – often up to 20%. In the case of small dogs, even 10% extra dry food can make the quadruped not only not lose weight, but even continue to gain weight. Therefore, check how much food you give them, using a kitchen scale.

Also, be careful to limit the number of snacks your dog receives. They can significantly increase the calories ingested. Rewards should not exceed 10% of your daily calorie intake. Make sure you keep snacks out of your daily diet.

Besides, stop feeding your dog food. Human food has a high caloric content and often covers a large part of the dog’s daily needs. For example, 6 grams of cheese already covers 23% of a dog’s daily caloric requirements of 20 kg.

Exercise will help a fat dog

If you want to help him lose weight, you have to give up the usual food and start giving him a special diet. But regime change may not be the only success.

Make sure the quadruped makes enough movement. A dog sports program will burn a lot of calories. Excess fat deposits are reduced and the dog increases muscle mass.

It is important to adapt your training to your dog’s current physical condition. First, exercises in water or on soft ground are effective for protecting your joints. Gradually, you can increase the duration and difficulty of your physical activity as your dog grows stronger.

Weight-Loss Recommendations

Slow-feeding bowls are ideal when you feed them wet. These force the dog to eat more slowly. He will more easily acquire a feeling of satiety, which will last longer. At the same time, dogs that have constant physical activity are more satisfied in the long run.

Another trick that works for some fat dogs is filling a ball with snacks or other clever toys. These can be filled with a weighted bit of dry food and will keep the dog busy. He will exercise more and burn more calories.

If you don’t want to give up snacks, you can use chopped vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, or apple pieces. You can feed fat dogs vegetables without any fear. Vegetables have the advantage that they are low in calories and fill the stomach at the same time. If he refuses this reward, it means that he is not really hungry!

Adjust the size of the bowl to the amount of food. The allowed bits seem much larger in a small bowl than in a large one.

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