Homemade puppy food – simple recipes

Feeding your pet with homemade puppy food can be a good option if you want to choose the quality of the products yourself, make sure of their origin or determine their cooking process, for example. …

Homemade puppy food - simple recipes

Feeding your pet with homemade puppy food can be a good option if you want to choose the quality of the products yourself, make sure of their origin or determine their cooking process, for example. However, feeding a puppy or an adult dog is not an easy task. Indeed, it is essential to be well-informed to avoid nutritional deficiencies.


  1. Can you feed your puppy naturally?
  2. Rice with salmon
  3. Rice with vegetables and beef (pork, poultry)
  4. Pasta with sweet cheese
  5. Chicken with vegetables and rice
  6. Chicken soup with vegetables

Can you feed your puppy naturally?

Homemade puppy food has pros and cons that you need to evaluate before you can start offering your dog this type of food:


  • You can develop dishes from organic and natural products.
  • You can choose more digestible foods for your puppy.
  • You can have a richer and more varied diet.
  • Improves the puppy’s immune system.
  • The chicks will grow more vigorously, giving them quality food.
  • Homemade food is more appetizing and accepted by the puppy than croquettes and commercial treats.
  • Avoid using additives and preservatives.
  • If you have “mini”, small, or medium breeds, it doesn’t cost much.


  • You need to spend time preparing recipes.
  • You will need some supplements to provide proper feeding for the dog.
  • If you are not supervised by your veterinarian, you may develop nutritional deficiencies.
  • If you have large or giant dogs, they can be expensive.

As owners, you need to evaluate the pros and cons of whether it is better to feed your pet with homemade puppy food or return to nutritionally prepared foods. It will also depend not only on your time and ability but also on your financial resources.

Homemade puppy food is preferred to store-bought food (grains, sachets, or preserves) due to the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits. There are enough producers of pet food that do not provide complete or fresh food.

Watch out for food because not all dogs tolerate pasta or yogurt. Rice contains carbohydrates and can lead to obesity if given consistently and in large quantities.

The dog food recipes presented below are intended for dogs over 2 months, juniors, adults, healthy, without digestive problems or food allergies, with a medium degree of activity.

Rice with salmon

This homemade puppy food is very rich in good fats and Omega 6, which are essential for your dog. It will also give him the hydration he needs. To make this recipe you will need:

  • 30 grams of brown rice
  • 150 grams of fresh and natural salmon (you can also use sardines)
  • 20 grams of cauliflower
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • Sunflower oil

Preparing salmon rice:

  • Wash the rice and boil it as directed on the package
  • Cut the salmon into cubes and cut the cauliflower into pieces.
  • Cook the salmon with cauliflower and sprinkle over the parsley.
  • Once the rice is cooked and the salmon and vegetables are lightly cooked, you can mix them.
  • Add a drop of vegetable oil, mix and allow to cool.

Rice with vegetables and beef (pork, poultry)

We present you with a fairly quick recipe for homemade puppy food, easy to make and adored by any dog. You don’t need many ingredients, and the ones we use are accessible to anyone. The recipe is for 2 servings and it takes about an hour to make.

Ingredients (for 2 meals, 7-10 kg dog):

  • 100 gr. of rice (broken rice)
  • 100 gr. beef / pork / chicken
  • 50 gr. pork liver (optional)
  • 50 gr. carrot
  • 50 gr. celery, parsnips, parsley root (optional)

Bring the meat and liver to a boil. Boil until tender (depending on the quality of the meat and the dish used), then add the grated or mashed vegetables and rice. Boil for another 15 minutes, drain and allow to cool.
The meat is cut into small pieces and the liver and vegetables are grated and mixed with rice.

After it has cooled, you can divide the food into several parts that I keep in the fridge (or in the freezer if I know I won’t give it to them in the next 3.4 days) until the time comes for the meal.

Pasta with sweet cheese

Ingredients (for a meal, dog 30-35 kg):

  • 250 g pasta (preferably wholemeal)
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 200 g yogurt with live milk cultures (Bifidus)
  • a pinch of salt

Boil the pasta and drain. Mix the cottage cheese with the yogurt until it forms a creamy sauce, and add it to the pasta. It can be served immediately.

Chicken with vegetables and rice

One of the simplest recipes for a homemade puppy food that anyone can make is chicken with vegetables and rice. For this recipe, you will need:

  • a cup of brown rice,
  • two cups of water,
  • 200 grams of crushed green beans,
  • a medium-sized unshelled sweet potato, cut into medium-sized pieces,
  • 3 carrots, which are then cut into thick rounds,
  • 2 pieces of boneless, skinless chicken breast.

Place the ingredients in the steamer in the order shown above, in layers. Do not mix!

Cook slowly for 1 hour, and when ready, the chicken breast will break into strips. Allow to cool, then serve.

You can refrigerate the food you have left and it is recommended to give it to the dog within three days of it being cooked.

Chicken soup with vegetables

Soup is a homemade puppy food that helps the digestive system of dogs and is also a delicious reward that they love. Giving your dog chicken soup a few times a month will do interesting things for it without causing any problems.


  • 1 kg chicken necks
  • 500 g carrots
  • 500 g parsley, celery
  • 2 eggs
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of green dill
  • 1 g salt

Method of preparation

Boil the chicken necks and vegetables. When they are almost cooked, beat 2 eggs and add them to the pot, together with the garlic, then add a little salt. Let it boil for a few more minutes, then add the dill.

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