Diabetes in dogs – the right diet

Diabetes is a fairly common chronic disease in dogs. Although it is incurable, the disease can be easily controlled with diet and physical activity. Therefore, it is very important to know what a dog with …

Diabetes in dogs - the right diet

Diabetes is a fairly common chronic disease in dogs. Although it is incurable, the disease can be easily controlled with diet and physical activity. Therefore, it is very important to know what a dog with this condition should eat and strictly follow the nutritional guidelines because it largely depends on the quality of life of the pet.


  1. Dog breeds that are prone to diabetes
  2. What is this disease and how does it occur in dogs?
  3. What can dogs with diabetes eat?
  4. Foods to avoid for dogs with this condition
  5. Other lifestyle tips for dogs with diabetes

Dog breeds that are prone to diabetes

Diabetes can occur in any race, but mixed races are more at risk. However, veterinarians have found that certain breeds are more prone to diabetes. Here are the ones:

  • Bichon;
  • Poodle;
  • Pug;
  • Dachshund;
  • Australian Terrier;
  • Fox Terrier;
  • Beagle.

What is this disease and how does it occur in dogs?

This condition is a disorder of metabolism and is caused by insufficient insulin production in the pancreas or its inefficiency. Insulin promotes the entry of glucose into the blood and its transformation into energy. Like humans, dogs can suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The first case involves the lack of insulin production in the body or the presence of an insufficient amount of this hormone in the body, which is caused by the malfunction of the pancreas and leads to an addiction to insulin treatment. Type 2 diabetes – more commonly – is associated with obesity and is regulated by strict diet and exercise.

Usually, this disease is inherited from one parent. For this reason, it is important that a dog diagnosed with this condition does not make puppies, because the risk of them acquiring the same disease is quite high. In addition to the hereditary factor, diabetes has the following risk factors:

  • advanced age (over 5 years);
  • sex (females are more prone to diabetes);
  • steroid medications;
  • other conditions (autoimmune diseases, viral diseases).

What can dogs with diabetes eat?

The food of a dog with this disease includes quality protein, fiber, and a low level of complex carbohydrates, which help absorb glucose.

It is quite difficult to balance all the necessary ingredients and properly feed a dog with diabetes, but serious producers have designed special types of pet food for this condition.

Foods to avoid for dogs with this condition

As in the case of human patients with this condition, it is essential to avoid two important food groups in dogs: those with a high level of sugar and fats. Common types of dog food may contain sweeteners and fats that are usually recommended for keeping hair shiny and healthy. If your pet has diabetes, it’s best to avoid these foods and use other hair care products, such as special shampoos.

As I said, it is especially important for a dog with this disease to have a regular meal schedule, and that means avoiding tasty rewards between them.

Other lifestyle tips for dogs with diabetes

In addition to proper nutrition, dogs with diabetes may also follow a treatment prescribed by a veterinarian and in some cases may need daily insulin injections.

Physical activity is also vital for your pet. In this situation, the movement helps decisively to maintain a constant level of glucose. Thus, at least once a day, the dog should be taken outside for long walks.

So you’ve seen what a dog with diabetes needs to eat and how important it is to follow a proper diet. Follow all the instructions and recommendations of the vet, because only in this way your pet can have a happy life with you for a long time.

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